About Us

Established by Koji Shiono and Professor Bogdan Epureanu, Kidou Systems is a brainchild of two innovators from the University of Michigan β€” Ann Arbor. Nearly a decade after their initial collaboration, their paths converged once again, united by a shared vision. This marked the inception of our journey.

We recognize the transformative potential of Autonomous Mobility Robots (AMR) in sectors like manufacturing. It is our firm belief that such groundbreaking technology should be within everyone's reach. Guided by this principle, our mission is to democratize AMR through full-stack automation solution, powered by autonomous teleoperation technologies.

"Kidou (kee-doh)", a Japanese term for "Mobility" (ζ©Ÿε‹•), "Path" (θ»Œι“), or "Boot-up" (θ΅·ε‹•), embodies our drive to pave a path towards a world with universal mobility freedom, beginning right here.